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POSMena Application

A cloud sale points system that its simple to use and more convenient for your budget. This system aims to increase the efficiency, save the time and achieve a clearer vision for the performance and the tasks of the staff

A cloud sale points system manage your sales, inventory and staff simply


POSMena easier than ever ... and beyond!

POSMena is always aware of your sales movement and the condition of your store. We offer many different features to you Your business, such as: technical control of sales channels, reporting of budgets, and profit and loss statements End of the day, inventory management and always moving and other leading items.
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Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

Develop your clients list

The clients are your strong suit, as a store owner you have to monitor them permanently all the day! In your own opinion who is your suitable employee who can do this work with the best way and continuously?? Your mission here is to grow your store not to chase your clients! Leave it to POSMena building a large database easily via the features we present. This can be achieved through providing the solutions of sales management and analyzing procurements which push the clients to leave your store and affect your shoppers and other important details resulting in the development of your store
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